So let's continue with this whole Las Vegas post, shall we?
I got off the plane and had to lean on US Airways for losing my damn bag. Since I was fitted in a Nautica sweatsuit, I didn't exactly feel as fresh as could be among people whose entire deal was to wear the most expensive shit possible, in hopes of looking like the upper esch of suckers. They mostly succeeded. But me, I would have at least liked to be in a nice shirt and jeans combo. I mean, I am 30 years old out chea...
Anyway, from the airport we went to The Hard Rock Casino...

Ate at The Pink Taco (good Mexican food, yet surprisingly, no Cunnilingus Rice)

After that, the airliner finally delivered my bag and I got back to biz. From there, I had a couple of meetings and such, and then it was on to get some rest. Getting no sleep before a 5 hour flight after a long day will hit you, especially after a 3-hour time zone change. So I went to sleep on them hoes.
Woke up at 2:00 a.m., and everybody else was headed out. I figured I might as well join the crowd. Keep in mind that this was 2 Vegas time, not ATL-Eastern Time. That meant as far as my body knew, it was actually 5 in the morning. Brutal. But a couple of cold Heinekens does wonders for the motivation of my people, as I can testify.

That's where the party started.
We first went to Caesar's Palace.

If you've never been, it's always been considered one of the classiest joints in Vegas. The only thing that probably pissed them off was when the Bellagio opened. That place is fly as hell and for some reason Caesar's was dead at 3am. So we stayed for a couple hours, had drinks, and went to Peppermill, a restaurant that was featured in Casino. Good fried shrimp and chicken fingers. Plus they have this fly ass fireplace that's set in water and encircled by a wishing well-type setup. With flat screens that show concert performances of anybody relevant for the past 40 years. Sweet.

After more drinks, we called it a night. I got back to my room at 9:00 am EST. Tired as the everlasting fuck. But when I woke back up the next morning, the festivities would resume in full force...
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