Thanks to a corporate sponsorship, yours truly is going on a hiatus to LAS VEGAS this Friday, all the way from the ATL. I'm not expecting to have any psychodelic supplements like my dead homie Hunter S. Thompson, but I am going to document my time there like a true visiting journalist. It's been about ten years since I've seen Nevada, but I'm going in this time with a plan.
What I hope to get is a feel for the local landscape. I think I have a homeboy out there who can give me some insight, but then again he might have moved back home to Alabama recently. Who knows. Anyway, hopefully I'll get the connect regardless and have a story for when I get back. Then again, I just might get drunk and stay that way for 72 hours. Only time will tell.
Either way, I'll be reporting at large for the weekend, still swinging the SCYTHE in the name of real Hip-Hop. Until I check back in, keep drinking that poison and we'll be in touch soon.
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