An intelligent, proud and determined lady has passed away, leaving behind a son who in her lifetime became the biggest rapper in the world.
I can't help but to think of Aaliyah right now, just because of the relevance to the Hip-Hop generation. I remember being gloriously throwed on the Saturday night of the weekend that Aaliyah died. I woke up late for chuuch the next day and arrived just in time to lean on the armrest of the pew and catch a little bit of the pastor's sermon. As he finished, he mentioned that he knew that the youth might be distressed because of the superstar that had died hours ago, but we would have to stay strong. It wasn't until I got home and checked the internet and television news that I realized that the dopest solo female act of the 1990's had just... died. In a plane crash, of all six million ways.
That's kind of what I think everyone is feeling now that a good dude lost his mother, who is obviously his inspiration. Notice I didn't say "was." It's a little too sad for me to even write it out correctly, because it seems like it's all ridiculous. Can't be true.
Dr. Donda West, mother of Kanye, passed away this past Saturday evening for reasons that are currently unknown. All we know right now, with any certainty, is that she had recently undergone cosmetic surgery.
Let's try to be respectful and wait for an official word on what exactly happened. My mother is very much like Dr. West, in that she still teaches college after 29 years, and has her own issues with my lack of interest in a bachelor's degree. He and I are in the same year of age, so I can fully relate to how I might feel after losing what everyone around me knows is my best friend.
With respect to the family, friends, loved ones and anyone ever touched in any way by Dr. Donda West's spirit, let's move from here to a place that she would have dreamed we'd reach. Let's pray for her son, and let's remember to love the only woman most of us will ever trust - Moms.
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