Let’s look back at the Democratic debate, which I caught a day late on CNN last week. If you believed what you read after the debates, when the opinionaters got to talk their shite, you’d think that Obama came across like a floundering, light-skinded stutterer, not sure how to stand up to Hillary’s steely reserve. But that’s not what I saw. He seemed sharp and determined to stay on message. That’s all you can expect from someone running for the highest office in the land, especially negus. And maybe that’s why the polls look very different from what we were told to expect after the debates.
Maybe the media powers want to portray Obama as the alternative/antithesis to the modern “Curtis” portrait of the black man. Maybe he’s weak. Soft on crime, inexperienced and uncertain when to attack. Or maybe he’s a gay, coke-snawting Newport candidate. Not the qualifications of a nuclear football runner, you might say. So in his best opportunity to assail Hillary on her inconsistencies, maybe he dropped the ball by not being tough enough. Everybody expected B’lack Alabama to step up his attacks at the Democratic debate in my favorite city, Floss Vegas. But instead, according to the next-day news, he kept it too low-key, and let Joe Biden run away with the steak. Or was this all part of the plan...
If you axe me, I’d say that ‘Bama knows he’s in top condition to at least be V.P. under Hillary, if not President. I don’t want to pretend that I know what he’s thinking, but I’d bet he already has a plan B for what happens if she takes the nomination. Newt Gingrich already predicted how the Democratic ticket will look in 2008. This was my suspicion all along, oh my brothers and sisters…
Maybe that’s the point. If ‘Bama is really not in it to win it, he would have effed up on a presidential level by now, or been exposed. But the game is about money, and you must remember that he’s raised more than anyone in the race, if you count money that isn’t his own. But he knows that Hillary has the old guard on her ass, plus she’s such a fucking lady.
This is why ‘Bama and Clinton are going at it right now, to show that a black man can slap the ish out of a white lady just as well as her husband could, if not better.
You can be a gentleman all you want, but you’ll never run shit. Real power stays in the hands of the gangsters and true power moves quietly. If ‘Bama’s going to be nice, he needs to start working on his gavel game as president of the senate. There’s plenty you can do from Dick Cheney’s seat. Word to Henry Kissinger.
Expect a Clinton/Obama White House in 2009.
So what, I'm late. Kill me. Oh yeah, you can't...